
Hi; and thank you for taking the time to read over my website.

Early in my career I was lucky to have 5 years working closely with two recipients of “Top 40 Under 40” awards as ranked by the Ottawa Business Journal who provided both the mentoring and the resources necessary to excel at every job I've had since then. At every job I've held I’ve been lucky to work with teams of skilled developers, designers and system administrators to build a wide variety of tools for solving specific business challenges. I get to work every day with industry leading companies and entrepreneurs on building them novel tools that make use of cutting edge technologies to drive increases in business value.

While I do help with building marketing, sales and promotional websites my preference is for complex systems with multiple stakeholders exchanging highly detailed data. When these systems are designed and integrated really well – the labor savings or increased insights for the involved organizations can be huge.

My career progressed through a number of different jobs, each chosen to continue building on the skills that I use daily. One of my favorite areas to work was providing mentoring and training for upcoming developers. Through these mentorship arrangements I’ve been able to work directly with new programmers and students around the world on projects that use all different kinds of underlying technologies or programming languages. I offered this mentoring service on-demand through and a number of testimonials are still listed on there. As a Project Manager I acted at times as one-stop-shop lead developer but more commonly as a liaison for clients with specific business concerns into the teams of professionals who resolved them. The developers who make it work and designers who help make it look great would rely on me to inform them of what the client needs.

Now I'm lucky to work as a Delivery Manager with Gigster where I manage a variety of teams and provide them with the tools, training, resources, background research and advice that they need in order to deliver great products on time and on budget. I get to meet with the decision makers in Fortune 500 companies and global teams of top tier professional developers. In short, it's a dream job and through the successes of the people that I work with I'm reminded regularly of how great it is to be part of the right team.

Please get in touch if you think your project would benefit from my enthusiastic, environmental, or entrepreneurial perspective.